Missions of ELRA
Among ELRA’s missions are the promotion of language resources for the Human Language Technology (HLT) sector, and the evaluation of language engineering technologies.

To achieve these two major missions, a range of services are available:
- Identification of language resources
- Promotion of the production of language resources
- Production of language resources
- Validation of language resources
- Evaluation of systems, products, tools, etc., related to language resources
- Distribution of language resources
- Standardisation
The promotion of the production of language resources also includes our support of the infrastructure for evaluation campaigns and our support in developing a scientific field of language resources and evaluation, among which the organization of the bi-annual international conference LREC.
Many of these tasks including distribution and evaluation are being carried out by ELRA’s distribution agency, the Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA).
ELRA also regularly conducts market studies and surveys in the field of HLT, and publishes a quarterly newsletter, distributed not only to its members but also to a large number of people in the HLT community.
In doing so, ELRA participates in the development of HLT and promotes HLT among the players on national, European and international levels.