Joseph Mariani

Joseph Mariani is Research Director Emeritus at CNRS.

He was the director of LIMSI, a French CNRS laboratory, from 1989 to 2000, and head of its “Human-Machine Communication” department, covering various modalities (spoken and written language processing, computer vision, computer graphics, gestual communication, Virtual and Augmented Reality, etc) and various approaches (Computer Science, Signal Processing, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Human Factors, Social Sciences). He also chaired the Scientific Committee of the LIMSI VENISE transversal action on Virtual and Augmented Reality.

He then became Director of the “Information and Communication Technologies” department at the French Ministry for Research from 2001 to 2006. In this framework, he managed several national programs, and in particular he launched the Techno-Langue and Techno-Vision actions, addressing technology development and assessment in the domains of Language Technology and Computer Vision.

He was then nominated director of the Institute for Multilingual and Multimedia Information (IMMI), a joint International Laboratory involving LIMSI, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and RWTH Aachen (RWTH) (Germany), settled in 2007 in the framework of the Quaero national French program.

He was president of the CNRS Information Science and Technology Committee and a member of the CNRS Scientific Council and Ethics Committee (COMETS), where he coordinated a report on the ethics of ICT.

On the international scene, he coordinated the FRANCIL Network of the Francophone University Association (AUF), chaired the European Speech Communication Association, now International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) and is Honorary President of the European Language Resources Association (ELRA). He participated in the Board of the European Language & Speech Network of Excellence (ELSNET) and was the general convenor of the Cocosda committee. He seated in the Steering Committee of FLaReNet (the Fostering Language Resources Network) and in the Management Board and Council of META-NET (the Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance).

He is in the Editorial Committees of the “Language Resources and Evaluation” and “Speech Technology” Journals. He participated in the Editorial Committees of the “Speech Communication” Journal, of the “Text, speech and language” book series and of the “Survey of the State-of-the-Art in Human Language Technology”. An author of more than 500 publications, he edited the “Spoken Language Processing” monograph and recently the “Natural Interaction with Robots, Knowbots and Smartphones” book.

His research activities concern Spoken Language Processing, Human-Machine Communication and Human Language Resources and Technologies.

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rue John von Neumann,
Univ. Paris-Sud BP133
91403 Orsay Cedex France
Phone: +33 1 69 85 80 56
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