Nicoletta Calzolari

Nicoletta Calzolari Zamorani is research associate and former Director at the Institute for Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” of the Italian National Research Council (ILC-CNR).

Received an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Copenhagen “for her significant contribution to the field of Computational Linguistics”.

Was awarded the title of “ACL Fellow” for “significant contributions to computational lexicography, and for the creation and dissemination of language resources” in the founding group of the ACL Fellows program.

Coordinated many international/European/national projects/strategic initiatives.

Honorary President and former President of the European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Permanent member of ICCL, chair of ISO/TC 37/SC 4, member of the Board of UNDL Foundation (Universal Networking Digital Language Foundation), of the International Advisory Committee of the Korean Emotion-based Dialogue Flagship Project, of the Advisory Board of the FET project ODYCCEUS (Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces), of the Advisory Board of LIDER (Linked Data as an enabler of cross-media and multilingual content analytics for enterprises across Europe), of ISO/TC 37/AG 0. President of the PAROLE Association.

Former convenor of the ISO Lexicon WG, chair of the Scientific Board of CLARIN, vice-president of META-TRUST, member of the ACL Exec, of the META-NET Council, of the ESFRI Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group, of the Steering Committee of the Centre of Excellence for Mathematical Modelling and Advanced Computing in Science and Engineering (CoE MMAC), and of many other International Committees and Advisory Boards (e.g., ELSNET, SENSEVAL, ECOR, SIGLEX).

General Chair of LREC (since 2004), of COLING 2016 and COLING-ACL-2006. Invited speaker, member of program committees, organiser of many international conferences/workshops.

Co-editor-in-chief of the Journal Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer. Member of journal editorial/advisory boards.

More than 400 publications.

Pisa CNR Research Area
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi N°1
56124 Pisa Italy

Phone: +39 050 315 8379
Fax: +39 050 315 2839

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