Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Translation
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Translation (SIGSLT) shall be to promote interest in the research area of spoken language translation including simultaneous translation and interpretation, speech dubbing, speech-to-text translation, speech-to-speech translation, cross-lingual communication including paralinguistic, emotional or multimodal information and related areas.
SIGSLT will:
- provide members of ACL, ELRA and ISCA with a special interest in spoken language translation and its related areas with a means of exchanging news of recent research developments and other matters of interest in spoken language translation;
- organize challenges and evaluation campaigns;
- sponsor and organize the International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), meetings, satellites, and tutorial workshops in spoken language translation, operating within the framework of ACL’s, ELRA’s and ISCA’sguidelines for SIGs;
- make available open source code and data resources, best practices and tools, and evaluation metrics relevant to spoken language translation.
Join SIGSLT by subscribing to the SIGSLT google group!
Steering Committee and Officers
- Laurent Besacier, Université J. Fourier, France
- Marcello Federico, Amazon, USA (ACL SIGSLT, President)
- Will Lewis, Microsoft, USA
- Joseph Mariani, CNRS-LIMSI, France
- Satoshi Nakamura, NAIST, Japan (ISCA SIGSLT, President)
- Hermann Ney, RWTH, Germany
- Mark Seligman, Spoken Translation Inc., USA
- Katsuhito Sudoh, NAIST, Japan
- Sebastian Stüker, KIT, Germany (ELRA SIGSLT, President)
- Marco Turchi, FBK, Italy (ISCA SIGSLT, Secretary)
- Alex Waibel, CMU, USA (Chair)
- Dekai Wu, HKUST Hong Kong, China
- Francois Yvon, LIMSI/CNRS, France